Sunday, September 14, 2008

Some People Don't Need a Personal Injury Lawyer to Handle their Automobile Accident Case

I am an Atlanta Injury Lawyer and have been practicing law in Atlanta for 11 years now and several years ago, I left my practice working for insurance companies and started representing normal people in their struggle against that corporate mess.

I truly enjoy my job and the satisfaction of righting wrongs for people. One thing I have noticed is that a great many people just assume that they HAVE to hire a lawyer to represent them for an injury case and this is just not true.

Over the coming months, I will be writing detailed posts on this and my commercial blogs to explain how people can handle their own claims against the insurance company without having to pay a third of the recovery to their lawyer.

From the outset, I will note that the analysis is a little like handling your own taxes. The more simple your case is, the more likely it is that it makes sense for you to handle your case on your own.

I welcome specific questions and will post the responses here on the blog as we grow together. To get started, I suggest you read my detailed explanation on when you might be able to handle your own injury claim.

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